Adding Value To Your Monthly Touch Calls

One client writes, “I have structured products in my client’s portfolios and I have to make calls for those. So does that count as my monthly Supernova call or do I have to make both? “

The answer is yes and no. The minimum level of service is a once a month touch with your clients. If you know when a product needs to be sold or renewed you can build it into your client’s scheduled call.  However, if you have a bond you want to add to their portfolio that would be an extra call.

The best practice is to give value with every contact.  If you are making calls to sell something like a new mortgage or insurance policy balance that out with Value calls. You don’t want them to feel like the only reason you call is to sell them something.  Examples of Value calls include:

  1. Offering the name of an enthusiastically endorsed provider,
  2. Educating on current events or a component of investing,
  3. Discussing the results of a cash flow analysis,
  4. Information on an upcoming public offering,
  5. Changes in interest rates,
  6. Information on a nonprofit or arts organization you think they may be interested in getting involved with.

Value calls will help you build loyalty with clients no matter what the market circumstances.

Utilizing the Supernova brand is a super way to make 2013 your best year ever.  If you need some help, join our member-only website or sign-up for one of our coaching programs.