In the Supernova program our clients work on becoming corporate athletes. Why? Corporate athletes perform with less effort and greater efficiency. Energy has four dimensions that work in tandem to make you the best you can be. If you are lacking in any of the four areas your work will suffer.
First is mental toughness or the ability to perform at the highest levels in stressful situations. You become mentally tough by being prepared, creating rituals and best practices that you can rely on in hard times.
Second is spiritual energy or having a good set of values, a clear vision of where you are going and a great support system in family and friends.
Third is emotional energy or having a great attitude, being positive and enthusiastic. You create rituals around keeping that good attitude during stressful situations
And fourth is physical energy obtained by getting the proper amount of sleep, exercise and diet and keeping your weight in the normal range. This is one of the hardest areas for us because we use work as an excuse to not take time for ourselves. If we are healthy there is a tendency to take it for granted and not do the maintenance to keep our bodies at peak performance.
We recommend you read Jim Loehr’s book “The Power of Full Engagement.” He has a lot of solutions for managing your energy. And if you want more you can take his energy self profile on his website at: It will help you obtain a snapshot of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy, which may lead to increased performance.
The greatest gift you can give others is your energy not your time. You can’t grow without energy. You won’t be a corporate athlete unless you keep your energy levels at their peak.
There is a story of the young Indian who set out to do his ‘coming of age’ quest. Before he goes he tells his grandfather he’s very afraid. His grandfather says, ”Inside of you are two wolves. One is fear and the other is courage. Your success will depend on which one you feed.” We want to starve the fear and feed the courage. These are simple premises but ones that we need to be reminded of from time to time.