One of the trademarks of the Supernova client service model is the way our advisors utilize monthly contacts (we call it 12\4\2) to help their clients accomplish both their short-term and long-term goals. Instead of random calls and meetings, our client contact discipline turns advisor\client interactions into an ongoing string of conversations. This month’s call effortlessly picks up on last month’s meeting which in turn leads to next month’s discussion, and so on…
One of our coaching clients, Alessa in Albany, has added a great twist to this process that makes it even more effective. Once she has completed a meeting or call, she writes a summary of the important decisions, portfolio changes, asset allocation adjustments, discussion or next steps that would benefit the client. She then emails the client to close the loop on their latest 12/4/2 meeting. Her clients are impressed with her follow-through and attentiveness.
As we’ve shared this idea with some of our other coaching clients, we’ve found that many of them already have a similar process in place. Like Alessa, they report how much this simple step has impacted their practice. Not only does this process impress clients, it helps avoid misunderstandings and keeps your entire team informed. You can even archive these emails in a computer file or print a copy for your client folder.
Give this idea a try. Your clients will love it. And since very few advisors provide this service, you will further separate yourself from the competition and continue to build your unique brand.
Sharing ideas like this is a great example of the way our clients and website members regularly offer tips and techniques to their peers. If you’re not a member already, join the Supernova Advisor Community today. We will help you build a client-focused practice that is truly positioned to grow year after year.