Segmentation is the foundation of your business. Without segmentation, there is no Supernova. It is vital to limit yourself to a maximum number of clients in order to control your day, your practice and your growth. An unmanageable client load leads to chaos and poor customer service. There is no other way to implement Supernova, no other way to succeed unless you can deliver exceptional service and then transform your client’s inevitable satisfaction into growth.
“About 7-8 years ago we fully embraced the Supernova process with 99% of the families we work with. Simply put, it has taken us out of the “interruption business”. They know when we are going to talk/meet and what it is going to be about as their agendas or memos are submitted in advance. Families never say, “we haven’t heard from you” and it essentially mitigates the risk of us being fired for services issues to almost 0.00%. Finally, our phones are quiet even on the most volatile days. Why? They know we are taking “care of business” and they can tend to what they want to tend to.”
Mark Switow, KY