There are a few things as refreshing as taking time away from the office. While there are financial advisors who seem to spend a lot of time away there are more advisors who feel that they cannot be away from the office. At Supernova, we believe time away from the office is important. Time with family, time to think and plan, time to read and be challenged and inspired, is time well spent.
Our business not only requires careful attention, it requires your energy. Energy not only comes from taking good care of yourself, eating right, getting enough sleep, and exercising; it comes from renewal and rest away from the office. Remember, your clients really want your energy and that is hard to have available when it is being used up every day by all the things that happened, expected and unexpected, in your office.
Working hard and working smart also means renewing your strength and your energy by not always working…taking vacations, days off, learning, thinking, and sometimes simply doing nothing. Getting burnt out is often a result of not being able to build up your energy by being away. Restorative time is also a productive time.
The Supernova process helps you find the right balance between work and pleasure…building your energy. If you would like to learn more, join our member-only website or sign-up for one of our coaching programs.