Do you have to call a client or prospect two to three or even more times before you connect with them? Phone tag is one of those insidious time wasters most people accept as part of doing business. But you don’t have to!
When you apply a systematic approach to communicating with your clients and prospects, phone tag can be eliminated. You end up saving countless hours of time.
And your system doesn’t need to be complicated. When you organize your time around those things you do most frequently, like talking to clients and prospects, you’ve accomplished half the battle. You go from being reactive to being proactive.
In fact, CSAs and other client administrators on teams that have adopted Supernova tell us that their phones never ring. Jennifer in Chicago remarked:
“I have other administrators walk into my office and ask me what the matter is because our phone doesn’t ring. I just laugh because it is such a relief. Instead of being reactive and taking care of emergencies we are the ones controlling the time.”
How is this done? By using the 12-4-2 concept of a monthly contact for each client and prospect. After a couple of months, the phone stops ringing off the hook. Clients know the longest they are going to go without talking to their advisor is thirty days. Prospects expect your calls. No more phone tag.