“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.” Anonymous
Let’s face it, we all want to be comfortable in life. At times factors such as managing change, reaching new levels of performance, establishing stretch goals can be difficult if not exhausting. You want to feel that you’ve arrived at a special place in life and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Over time you fall into the comfort zone. Life can be repetitive and boring. You know what to expect at every turn. This leads to complacency and for some of us you can easily fall into a rut. You’ve heard the old adage time and time again, “we are all creatures of habit”. There’s a lot of comfort in knowing your routines and what’s around the corner. Sometimes these repetitive routines can be like boundaries that hold us back and keep us inward thus keeping us from experiencing new things. When you have a set of predetermined activities and approaches that become second nature you are then able to minimize stress and risk. The comfort zone is a state of mental security that provides regular happiness and low anxiety. The problem is that this state if prolonged will keep you from feeling challenged and experiencing new things.
Asking for introductions can make you uncomfortable at first. Practice role playing with your team or your coach until you have your lines down perfectly. Then try it on a client. You will find the more times you do it the better and more confident you get.
One fundamental fact about venturing into the unknown and trying new things as a financial advisor is the fear associated with reaching new heights of performance. You’ve been successful, a great family provider, you serve on a couple of non-profit boards, and maybe coach the kid’s sports team in your spare time. In the winter you go skiing and during the summer you visit the lake or the beach. You’ve grown accustomed to this life and the pattern and on the surface it feels pretty good. However, something is missing. You know what it is, you could be doing more or doing better. However, stepping outside your comfort zone seems risky, scary, and downright uncomfortable. You must ask yourself a fundamental question and be honest with yourself. What’s the one or two biggest impediments to breaking out of your comfort zone? If you answered me, me, and me, well then you are well on your way to breaking –out of your comfort zone. It’s not your boss, your firm, family, or resources that are holding you back!
Our obsession with comfort can haunt us and keep us from realizing our full potential not to mention some new and exciting adventures we might miss out on. Be careful of tried and true bench marks or comparisons. Expressions like, “I’m outperforming everyone in my office”; “I’m number one in my district”; or, “I’m highly ranked in my class”; and “I’m making more than I ever have before”. Sure, be proud of your accomplishments and achievements, however, set benchmarks that stretch you beyond your comfort zone.
It’s not all about success; it’s about the journey and sometimes there are set backs along the way. There are no guarantees and sometimes we get derailed. The thrill comes when we get back up and try again and later overcome the obstacles that hinder our success.
One of my favorite stories about a person who literally ran out of his comfort zone is Roger Banister. People had been trying to break the four minute mile since the time of ancient Greece. Everyone believed that it was physiologically impossible for a human to run a mile in four minutes. Experts said the bone structure was inadequate and that lung capacity wouldn’t allow it. Soon after Bannister broke the four minute mile in 1954, 37 other runners broke the four minute barrier. The following year 300 runners broke the four minute mile barrier.
The theme in the above example reveals true human break-through in attitude. There are many examples of people doing extraordinary things to overcome adversity and step outside their comfort zones. You can get a little inspiration by reading stories about human potential to break-through life’s challenges from time to time.
There are some steps or keys you can use to break-out of your comfort zone despite the psychological and physical discomfort you might face in the very beginning of your transformation.
It takes tenacity to embark upon a personal change strategy or reinvention as some say. The first has to do with attitude. A positive attitude will allow you to face the challenges of everyday life. It’s your state of mind and your outlook and view on things. The second component to your change strategy is your belief in yourself and what you’re doing. It’s not arrogance its confidence. The third component is commitment. When you are committed to something, you make no excuses, the debate is over, and there is no more lengthy analysis, just action.
Today, change the words from, “I’m not comfortable doing that” to “my life experiences have prepared me to accept new and exciting challenges.”