In a world where corporate sameness or consistency is sought after, where fitting in and conforming is a virtue that is rewarded, it is difficult to find someone or something that is unique and offers more value than simply a duplicate of something else.
But it is uniqueness that is sought after by every upscale hotel, restaurant, automobile or manufacture of consumer products. We value distinctive service and recognition. One of those distinctives is concierge service.
A number of hotels have a concierge level and provide special services for the guests on that floor. It is a level of service that everyone enjoys and the company takes pride in. Upscale hotels offer a person who brings concierge service to its guests. There is a level of healthcare being embraced today that comes from concierge physicians.
What makes concierge service?
It is usually limited to a select group
It offers a higher level of service
It has a higher perceived value
It recognizes and rewards valuable customers and clients
It provides more personal service
Its goal is to exceed client expectations
It is a client retention strategy as well as an acquisition strategy
All of the concierge benefits come with a Supernova practice. From segmentation to organization to acquisition Supernova is designed to help you create a concierge practice. The first step is segmentation.
When you select the top 100 or fewer households for each producing financial advisor in your team, you begin to create a concierge practice.
When you organize to systematically provide a higher level of personal service, exceeding client expectations to a select group, you are creating a concierge practice.
When your acquisition strategy is to acquire only the ideal clients who bring value to your practice by becoming a participant in your concierge practice, you have created a concierge practice.
A concierge practice is more than a name. It defines a valuable distinctive to all your clients. It sets you apart as someone who delivers higher value to a select group of clients. It grows your business because clients actually want and seek out that higher level of service that comes through a concierge practice. It becomes a part of your marketing, part of your strategy and a statement that defines who you are and how you treat your clients.
Welcome to Supernova. Welcome to a higher level of client service. Welcome to greater productivity. Welcome to a more enjoyable and a more meaningful practice for your team, your family, and your clients.
Welcome to Supernova, to creating distinctives that matter.