How Do You Free Up Time For Acquisition?

Recently a Midwest Supernova team was frustrated by their lack of growth. They hired a local coach to analyse their practice. After a thorough investigation, the coach determined that they were just not spending enough time in the acquisition stage. The team was not devoting enough time to marketing and sales. The consultant told the team that they were committing too much time to servicing their accounts and should cut back on their calls. This would then give them more time for marketing. Sounds reasonable… It is just wrong!

Remember that the way you grow with Supernova is by increasing your minimum while maintaining your maximum. Each client gets the same level of service: 12/4/2. Consistent expectations and delivery of service are critical. It is possible that the team was spending more time with each client than the model allows, but that was not the case here. The suggestion was to reduce the contacts. Bad advice. This blows up the Supernova model. What would be better advice? Reduce the number of clients and increase your minimum. This is the Supernova solution. You are never spending too much time servicing a client: they are just not paying you enough to make it worth the time. If they don’t deserve 12/4/2, they are too small for you to serve. Transfer them to someone who has a smaller minimum. No exceptions, or you become just like everyone else and your unique brand is destroyed.