Bring The Excitement Back

What is your Purpose in life? Big question! Can you answer consistently without blushing? Not only should you be be able to, you should have a purpose statement. Why, you ask? Because just like for the papers you wrote in college or business school, it defines who you are, or more accurately, expresses what you plan to achieve while here on earth. It answers the question: how would the world be different if you and your company were never born? What did you bring to the table that made this place a better place for all? It helps to have the answer when times are tough. These volatile years have been very difficult for most people, but for those who have clearly defined their Purpose, Vision, and Mission, it is easier to stay focused.

My Purpose Statement is “To release the human potential by choosing growth over fear and by so doing, help others to do the same.” Very simple, easy to remember, and honest. We call this “Playing to Win” versus playing not to lose. Playing to win is going as far as you can using all that you’ve got. The worst that can happen to you when you play to win is that you grow. When you play not to lose, the best that you will get is that you didn’t die. All of man’s great achievements — and my guess is all of your achievements — have been the result of choosing growth over fear. You are an FA because you chose growth over fear, sucked it up, and did what was necessary to succeed. You knew this was a high risk/high reward job, yet you chose it anyway. Courage. And it’s probably not the first time you showed courage or you wouldn’t have gotten the job.

I am asked all the time by FA’s that have lost interest in their practice, “What can I do to get that spark back?” I simply ask, “When were you the happiest in the business?” I consistently hear the same answer: “When I first started; when it was exciting; and I didn’t know if I was going to make it. When the stress was the greatest, but the successes were really celebrated.” Isn’t it ironic that it was the most exciting and fun when it was the hardest? How do we get that back?

Let’s start by taking away that illusion of a net — those 600 clients that may hit the lottery some day. Next, let’s adopt the Supernova model of service so we feel good about our practice. Next, let’s go out and open some big, new accounts that scare the hell out of us and get our juices going. It’s a simple formula for bringing fun back to the business…and you just may make more money.

Release that human potential and choose growth over fear. Have fun and let me know of your successes.