In reviewing the Supernova tips this year we thought these tips were worth reviewing:
10. Six Steps For Staying Energized
Taking time out of your day to reenergize is critical to a high performance athelete.
9. Creating A Referrable Brand
Your brand is defined by what your smallest client thinks about you.
8. Do You Properly Value Your Services?
What you charge for your services is directly correlated to your level of confidence and value you give your clients.
7. What Percent Of Your Clients Have A Financial Plan?
Creating a plan for all of your clients is central to your client service model.
6. Closing The Loop On Client Meetings
Utilizing monthly contact with your clients will create a better relationship with them.
5. Why Should I Do Business With You?
Do you have an answer for this question from a prospect?
4. Stopping Phone Tag
Organization and monthly contact will free up your time and stop phone tag.
3. The Last Free Lunch On Wall Street
Denigrating your prospect’s current advisor isn’t a good way to build a practice.
2. Are Your Referrals Just Accidents?
Do you ask for referrals or just let them happen?
1. Does Your Brand Make You More Referrable?
When done right branding enhances your business at every level.