Our vision is to “Revolutionize the Client Experience,” not just in financial services but in all professional services. Considering the state of service in the in the world today, this is a huge task. Since my primary knowledge is financial services, our focus is there for now.
What is the state of the financial services industry today? About the same as the state of our Congress. Congress’s approval rating hovers just under 20 percent, yet we like our local Congressmen and women. We are, however, disappointed in their results over the last several decades. It seems politicians promised fiscal responsibility along with new social contracts yet, we’ve gotten something else. We have had a failure to communicate and a misalignment of actions versus values. The same can be said for the financial services industry. Investors rate their financial services firms very low, while they generally like their advisors. They are, however, disappointed with the level of service and performance to the point of considering a change. Why is there such disappointment? I contend that a great deal of the problem results from confusion over expectations and communication. What does the Supernova Revolution do to solve this conundrum?
First and most importantly, Supernova clearly defines the expectations for the client and guarantees accountability. The expectations are a multi-generational plan with twelve contacts per year and rapid response to the client’s problems. If this isn’t done, clients are asked to hold the Advisor accountable. Supernova Advisors confidently uphold this guarantee because they only have one hundred clients. They also give the same level of service to all clients, while reassigning clients that need a different level of service.
Second, Supernova FA’s fully implement each client’s plan through our 12/4/2 contact model. By fully implementing this plan, they assure that the client is on the right path to achieving all of his or her goals.
Third, Supernova FA’s monitor (12/4/2) the client’s plan to be sure, as the environment changes, that all of the plans are tracking their goals. They plan for the best while preparing for the worst.
So where is the revolution? It is in the consistency of client experience. It is in the guarantee and the accountability. With Supernova, every client receives the same excellent service, no exceptions. Can you say that you give this kind of exceptional experience to everyone? What would that mean to your Brand if you could guarantee this level of service?
Supernova suggests that this level of consistent client service is so unique that you become referable. That is the big payoff. By showing a personal interest in each client through your monthly calls and consistently doing what you say you will do, you develop a mutual trust and respect. Take the leap of faith, cross the Invisible Bridge, and adopt the Supernova model. You’ll love it.